
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

E Learning Symposium

In Te Maunga 4 people from our class were chosen to go to Ohaewai Primary and talk to other parents about what we have been doing. The students that were picked were Tia, Payton, Liam and I. We were so excited. We talked about Chapter Chat. If you are wondering what Chapter Chat is it will be in the presentation. I think I did well writing this blog post but I need to do better by showing it to other people.
Here is my presentation.


  1. Hi Bella, it is really amazing that you got selected for the E - Learning Symposium. It sounded fun and enjoyable. Chapter Chat is such a fantastic idea, the presentation was great as well, it sounded like heaps of fun.

    1. Hi Molly,
      It was really fun getting chosen to go to the E Learning Symposium. Also thanks for reading my blog.

  2. Hi Bella it’s Lucy. Your so lucky to be able to do the E Learning Symposium, Brodi and I did it last year it was so fun, was it fun for you and would you want to do it again? I know I would.

  3. Hi Bella,
    Its me Reitu. From Te Ngahere. I like your presentation you created about Chapter Chat. And I really like how you chose to blog post your E - learning symposium and talked a bit about Chapter Chat.
    Why did you Chapter Chat on Twitter?
    Who else did Chapter Chat with you?
    How do the other schools know about the book you are reading?

  4. Hi bella
    i think that you did very well in explaining what chapter chat is. the only thing i noticed was that you had two blank pages at the end, what were they for? From Jack
