
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Summer Learning Journey W4 D3 LAST WEEK!! :)

Activity 1: Imagine that you had to form a coalition government with two other people.  Who would you choose to partner with?

I would choose my friend Tia because she is really smart and she is a good friend. For my next person I would choose Lilli-Rose because she is really good with politics and she is a really good friend and even cousin.

Activty 2: On your blog, please post a picture of your hometown and provide a list of three things that tourists, like us, could do if we came to visit. What do you like most about your hometown?

My hometown is Paihia, New Zealand.

3 Things that tourists could do:

  1. Go to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.
  2. Go on a parasail trip.
  3. Hire a bike and go to the Mountain Bike Park.

I like my hometown because it is small so there isn't really any people. 

Bonus Activity: Imagine that you are a teacher, and design your own classroom. What would it look like? What furniture would you have? I would love to have some beanbags for reading on.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bella.

    My Name is Clare and Im part of the Summer Learning Journey, Welcome to the last week. I can see you have done 3 activities in one blog post so I will give you feedback on each one individually.

    Activity 1 - I think your friend would be really happy to see you choose her to form a coalition with..What type of person is she? Character is really important if you are working with someone. I think time management is really important and also other aspects like communication and sense of humour!
    Maybe you could of added more detail to this blog post and then added an image of your friends talking a little more about their personal qualities.

    Activity 2 - You live in a very beautiful part of NZ and people say that 'The winterless north' is a really hot place to live. Is this true? I live in Auckland so I very rarely get to go up North as I work here and my family is here too.
    You live in an area that is very popular to NZs and also Tourists who visit our country and want to learn about the history of where we live.
    Have you been to Waitangi on Waitangi day? It must be so busy there at that time of year.

    Also the parasail trip.. Have you done this before? I would love to know a little more about this. I had to google it so I knew a little more about this. You could add an image into this blog post to give people more information about this.
    Thanks for letting me know about a Mountain Bike park! I did not know there was one up north. Maybe I will make a plan to check that out.

    Activity 3 - Very bright classroom plan here you have made. Did you make this on google drawings? its very creative. I like how you have put the big space in the middle of the room so there is plenty of area around the class and keeps it safe if people need to get out in case of an emergency.

    Its been great reading your work here you have done. Maybe you could post each task individually in future.

    Blog you again Soon.

