
Friday, January 12, 2018

Summer Learning Journey W4 D5 OMG FINAL DAY!!

Activity 1: Take a minute to think about your future. What would you like to do when you finish school? Would you like to work in a specific job? Would you like to study at university? What would you study? Maybe you’d even like to move overseas. Share your thoughts and ideas on your blog site. There are no wrong answers!

When I finish school I am going to stay with my parents for another year before I go to university to get a job and choose what I want to study when I do go to university.

I am definitly going to go to university so that I can get a proper job and become what I want to be.

If I was to study something it would be science and acting. I would study zooligy and I really want to become a actor.

Activity 2: On your blog please tell us which of the three cars you would choose and why.

Red-Cadillac-750x443.jpg  hummer.png  flying car (2).jpg

I would have the hover car becuse it can fly OMG. But I would rather have one of those cars where the doors come up...  DeLorean.

Image result for Delorean awesome

Bonus Activity: On your blog write a description of what New Zealand will be like at that time (80 – 90 years from now). What kind of houses will people live in? What will they eat? Where will they work?

I think in the future there would be hover cars and there would be hoverboards that would actually hover. Also I think robots are going to be like all over the world. Sadly I think some of our native birds are going to become extinct :(. The will eat normal food and scientist would be able to find away for people to live on mars.

Review: Thank you so much to the Summer Learning Journey Team for helping us to stay at out standard and even learn a little bit more. I am so excited for next year:)

Bye world!!


  1. Hey Bella,

    This is Jade C from the Summer Learning Journey! I will also be reading and commenting on your blog over the summer. I hope you enjoyed doing the SLJ activities and hopefully you've learnt a lot from completing the activities.

    I think it's great that you have already thought about this in depth. It's really important to know what you want to be and what you want to study so you wouldn't waste your valuable time doing something that you don't like. I think Zoology would be very exciting area to study. If you are an animal lover, it's definitely a path you could take. However, I also think becoming an actress is another awesome idea. What made you want to become an actress?

    Wow, DeLorean! I would also get the flying car because... it can fly! I would never have to worry about being late or getting stuck in the dreadful traffic jam!

    You have a very imaginative and creative mind, you came up with some great ideas of what the world would look like after 90 years from now. It's sad to think that many of our native birds and animals may become extinct in the future. We need to take care of our endangered species to prevent this from happening in the future. I also agree with you that the robots will be seen everywhere and they will take over some of the jobs that humans are doing at the moment. What do you think school would be like in the future?

    It's awesome to see that you have already reached the end of the Summer Learning Journey activities! We are still checking for your comments on other peoples' blogs to give out extra points! So keep blogging and I hope you will participate next year as well.

    All the best,
    Jade C.

  2. Kia Ora Bella,

    I am so happy to see another student from the Kaikohekohe Cluster has completed the Summer Learning Journey! That makes three students from Paihia School, what an amazing accomplishment!

    I've really enjoyed reading your blog posts and commenting on your activities. I'm happy to read that you'd like to go to University. Do you know where you'd like to go? I study at Victoria University in Wellington. I love studying in Wellington, it is such a funky and vibrant city, with so much to see and do. Have you been before?

    The flying car has been a very popular choice for this activity! Personally I don't know if I'd like to fly in the sky as it seems like it would be very scary. I love that you added different doors, it's great to see you use your creativity and imagination to think outside of the box. Ka pai!

    I can tell you've put a lot of thought into how the world will be in the future. It'll be interesting to see if robots are all over the world. Do you think they will replace humans eventually? Unfortunately I think you're right about the native birds. It's a very sad thought but with the way humans treat our environment, it is often hard for birds and animals to stay safe and healthy. Do you have any specific birds that you'd like to protect?

    Just reiterating my congratulations for completing the Summer Learning Journey. Remember that you can now comment on other students blog posts to earn more points before the programme ends on the 26th Jan (next Friday). Each quality comment you make is worth 2 points.

    Use this link to find the twitter feed that shares other bloggers from all around New Zealand that have been involved with the Summer Learning Journey:

    Nga mihi
