When you have finished, rank the clips in order from your most favourite (#1) to your least favourite (#3). Post your rankings on your blog.
1: Golden Harvest beacause I really like the of the music and they play really well.
2: Ray Columbus and the Invaders I didn't like this one beacuse it just seemed boring and not the type of music I would listen too.
3: New Zealand Underdogs, I don't even know why I don't like it.
Activity 2: Fashion in the 1970s was quite unique. Take a look at the pictures of a ‘typical’ 1970s outfit and tell us, on your blog, two things that you like about 1970s fashion and two things that you don’t like about the fashion of the day. I am not a huge fan of the patterned pants. What about you?
Bonus Activity: Think about your school. What is one thing that you would like change. Would you like to learn about different things? Maybe you think school should only be open 3 days a week?
On your blog, write a letter to your principal to try and convince him/her to make the change. Ensure that your letter is polite and respectful.
Dear Mrs Lindsay,
I would really like it if we could learn more about social media sites and how to use them. It would mostly be aimed to the people who are leaving to high school and are probaly getting a phone just to teach them. So like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. To see what is good to post, what is bad to post and what trolls there might be in there network future.
Yours Sincerely,
Review: I loved this one because we got to decide and chose them and also say why. I am really bad at saying why but throughout the Summer Learning Journey I think I have gotten better. 5 stars.
Mōrena Bella,
ReplyDeleteYou have been doing such a great job at all of the blog posts with the Summer Learning Journey so far! I'm very impressed with the effort you put into your posts.
I especially liked reading your letter to Mrs Lindsay. Learning how to use social media apps safely is so important! Choosing what to share and what not to share with the public can sometimes be very hard so I think your idea is an awesome way to help students who will be joining social media sites soon. I found an awesome guide to social media apps and keeping safe and secure on them: https://www.netsafe.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Netsafes-Staying-Safe-Online-Quick-Reference-Guide.pdf
On the note of posting on sites, I have noticed that you've been actively commenting on other students blogposts, we are very happy to see you are leaving messages for your friends! We will be sure to calculate the extra points that you are making at the end of the programme.
However, we want to make sure the comments are always thoughtful, positive and helpful. Which means that we have to be careful not to criticise a students work, but more give them helpful ways to improve. So instead of putting down something they have written or have forgotten to write, you could offer them some helpful advice
e.g. "You've done a great job at today's activities, I really liked the part where you .... Next time it would be great to see you include more information on .... or improve your post by adding...."
Keep up the great blogposts Bella, I always enjoy reading your blogposts very much.
Nga mihi
Kia Ora Georgia,
DeleteThank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. Also thanks for all the feedback for comments. I will use it for my future comments.
Thank you again for commenting on my blog.