
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Summer Learning Journey W2 D3

Activity 1: On your blog, please tell us what you do when you want to relax or de-stress. Do you read a favourite book, watch a favourite television show or talk to someone special?  What are your tips for dealing with stress?

To de-stress I go outside with my animals. Thet help me calmdown when I am freaking out. Once it was pitch black outside and I was really angry so I went outside with a torch and started to pat my pets.

Activity 2:Imagine that you were alive in the 1930s. What could you have done to help these families? On your blog, list three different ways that you could raise funds for families to help them buy food and clothing. Be as creative as you can with your fundraising ideas!

I don't know if this counts but if people are struggling to find jobs I would create a universety for people. I would make it so you just bring in a koha so that they aren't spending to much money on it. I would also prevent money for some people.

Bonus Activity: Imagine that you were able to travel back in time to visit a family in the 1930s. What special gifts or treats would you like to bring with you? I would likely bring blocks of Whittaker’s chocolate, bags of Jet Planes and Pineapple Lumps, healthy food snacks, clothing, and games for the children. What about you?

I would bring them new stuff that we have. Like hover boards. PHONES, well I don't know if they have phones. Anyway I would also bring them little chocolates like JAFFA LUMPS and tell them that Donuld Trump is going to take over the world.

Review: This one was really fun I liked reading about what happened in the 1930's.I give it 5 stars.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bella,

    Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey team! It's great to see that you've been working through these activities and been enjoying them as well.

    Activity 1: That sounds like a great idea. We have a dog who gets upset when we get upset so he always helps to calm us down. Animals are great for when you are feeling stressed! What sorts of pets do you have?

    Activity 2: That is a great idea. Having a university available that was a little bit less expensive could work wonders! That might take a long time to organise though. Is there anything else you would do? I might do a bake-sale because everyone loves cake!

    Bonus activity: Good thinking! They did have phones in the 1930s but they were very different from phones today. How were they different I wonder?

    I look forward to reading more of your blog over summer.
