
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 5

Activity 1: SORRY I DON'T GET IT :(

Activity 2: Write on your blog if you where are visitor going to Waitangi where would you go??

First  I would go to Waitangi Mueseum.
Second I would go to see the preformance.
And third I would go to the Mountain Bike Park.

If I was only to chose one I would go to the Mountain Bike Track.

Bonas Activity: On your blog, write four questions that you would ask Bill Kini.

  1. Do you know when your last Commonwealth games will be?
  2. How many times have you one gold, silver or bronze?
  3. How old are you?
  4. Would you recommend this to yound boys & girls.
Thats the end and I really enjoyed.
5 stars :)


  1. Kia Ora Bella,

    That's okay! Here are the instructions for activity one again:

    Use Google Translate to translate the following five phrases from English to Te Reo Māori or from Te Reo Māori to English. Post the translations on your blog. Be sure to include the phrase in both the English and Māori to earn full points.


    Nau mai ki Aotearoa.
    ____ is my name.
    What is your name?
    He pai taku ki te takaro i te whutupaoro.
    Where do you come from?

    So they've given you five different phrases, and you have to find either the maori or english translation for them :-)

  2. In regards to the rest of your post, I think the activities you chose for visitors to do at Waitangi sound like a lot of fun! I think the Mountain Bike track would be my choice too. Have you had the chance to go on it before?

    I also thought you have great questions to ask Bill Kini. If he was still alive he'd be 80 years old! Here is a link to read more about him if you'd like:

    I'm not going to be online to comment as regularly over the next 10 days as I'm taking a little holiday with my friends and family, but I will try and check up as often as I can. I hope you and your Whanau have a safe and happy Christmas! :-) Keep up the awesome blog posts and I look forward to reading them when I'm back at work.

    Nga mihi

  3. Hi Bella you did a great job on blog post you could go on my blog post see what I have done.BYe

  4. Hey Bella,
    your blog post is awesome!!! I thought going on the bike park would be cool to. Bye Bella love your blog post maybe you could see mine!

  5. Kia Ora Bella,

    I was wondering if you have had a go at the first activity? We would love to be able to award you full points for the activity!

    Let me know if you need any help with the activity :)

