
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Summer Learning Journey W1 D2

Activity 1: Watch the trailer for Gold Rush. On your blog, tell us what you think the movie is about. There are no words spoken movie so you will need to pay careful attention to what the actors are doing! Do you think you would enjoy watching a silent film? Why/Why not?

I didn't really like scilent film. It wasn't really nice and I really want like talking. I don't know why!

Activity 2: On your blog, give the painting a rating out of 5 stars (1 star = terrible painting, 2 stars = pretty bad painting, 3 stars = okay painting, 4 stars = good painting and 5 stars = amazing painting). After you’ve rated the painting out of 5, tell us why you gave it that rating.

I give it a 3. There isn't anything going on. I need action in photos not like tha photo.

Bonus Activity: Imagine that you were a member of the flight crew. Write a poem that describes how you would have felt when you landed safely in Christchurch after such a long trip. Remember, there are lots of different types of poems, and they don’t all have to rhyme. You can read more about different types of poems by clicking here.

We play in the sun,
Just finally for a bit of fun.
Life is different here in Christchurch,
A brand new life style,
For a little while.
While we soak her in the beach,
There are still alot of people living in the deep.
See you in a while,
From your best friend Kyle.

While that is it for today. I loved this task. 4.5 stars.  Have a lovely boxing day and don't go to crazy with the sales. 

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Bella!

    My name is Rachel and I am working with Dani and Georgia on the Summer Learning Journey programme this year. I am just amazed to see that you have already posted so many activities on your blog. Awesome work!

    I particularly like the poem that you have shared with us and the advice that you've given for Boxing Day. I think that you're very wise! The boxing day sales can be pretty crazy. I grew up in Canada and there are people who live in both the United States and Canada who sleep outside of stores over night on Christmas just so that they will be the first ones through the door on the 26th of December. Crazy!

    (It's even crazier when you think that it can be as cold as -25 or -30 degrees in some parts of Canada and the U.S. today. I was just talking to my mom in Ottawa, Canada and she said that it had snowed all day at home and there was four feet of snow outside their front door. Brrrr....)

    I hope that you are staying warm and dry at home today!

    All the best for a very Merry Christmas and a happy 2018.

    Hope to see you online again very soon :)

