
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Summer Learning Journey W1 D1

Activity 1: Use your search engine to find a picture of another famous cathedral. Post a picture of the cathedral on your blog. Underneath the picture tell us: the name of the cathedral, where the cathedral is located, when it was built, and how long it took to build.

PHOTO: Image result for Notre Dame

Name: Notre-Dame de Paris.
Located: Paris, France.
When was it built: 1163 (OMG) 
How long did it take to build: 200 years. 

Activity 2: On your blog tell us what you think about the fact that women were not allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia until 2015. Is it fair? Why or why not?

They weren't allowed to vote beacuse men like to be incontroll of everything and women have no votes. Also men are......................

Anyway time for the bonus activity.

Bonus Activity: On your blog, tell us what you think of the poem. Do you like it? How does it make you feel?

The poem I read was kind of sad. Just representing what happened in the war. Very sad!

Review: This Task was really cool beacuse we got to look up things. I love reaserching our stuff.
5 ☆☆☆☆☆. Also have a very merry christmas. Get lots of presents and have a lovely time :)

Image result for merry christmas quote

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bella,

    My name's Ruby and I'm one of the people who will be blogging with you over the summer as part of the Summer Learning Journey. I'm impressed at how well you've been doing with these activities! Great work.

    Activity 1: What a great choice of cathedral! It's hard to believe it took them 200 years to build it. A few years ago, I was lucky enough to go to France and see the Notre Dame. It is just as incredible in real life as it is in the pictures!

    Activity 2: It is a very different way of life in Saudi Arabia, isn't it. New Zealand is a bit different from Saudi Arabia though. We were the first country to ever let women vote! How does that make you feel? I know it makes me feel proud to be a New Zealander because I think it's only fair that women get to vote too.

    Activity 3: Well done. It was a very sad poem but I still liked it very much. Did you like it?
    What do you think was the main message of the poem? I think it was definitely trying to make a point.

    I look forward to reading more of your blogs over the summer. Great work and a merry Christmas for yesterday!
