
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

For The Birds

In Te Maunga we have been writing a story of a character's point of view. We had to watch a video called… For The Birds then we started to write the story. I decided to write a story about the mean little bird. I think I did well writing my story by adding awesome adjectives  but I could do better by sitting with sensible people and adding more metaphors.

Here is my writing
I left my comfy home and sat on a power line. It was so nice and peaceful until all my brothers and sisters came and ruined everything. My brother was sitting closest to me so I punched him for fun and for ruining my peace and quiet. Before I knew it a GIANT feud began. I didn’t even want this to happen but it is the circle of life. “Squark,Squark, Squark (Stop it, no you stop it)” said everyone.

I was EXTREMELY annoyed with everyone. While we were having our quarrel a GIANT, HIDEOUS and Disgusting bird came and was way more annoying than my siblings. It kept on squawking in our faces. “Stop it hideous looking bird” I squawked. It didn’t like what I said and flew into the middle of the power line and all of my  sibling were all squished. I didn’t like it at all. I felt like a huge fire ball was inside of me and ready to burst any second. The BIG bird  had a fall and only its 2 claws were holding on. My brother and I started pecking away at his claws. The BIG bird had a slight smirk on his face. When the BIG bird only had 1 finger hanging on. All the of my siblings stopped and looked at each they knew what is about to happen. My siblings and I flung up into the air like a rocket ship, all our feathers come off. When we got back down I realised I was NAKED.  

All my siblings felt so embarrassed we didn’t have the guts to say sorry to BIG bird. Well I guess I have learn’t my lesson. If you are mean the consequence will be worse.
                                                          The End

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