
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 2.

Activity 1: Weaving a tall tale

On your blog, tell us whether or not you would like to try flax weaving. Does it interest you? Why or why not?
I would really love to try flax weaving because it is apart of our culture and something we should embrace. Also it does interest me because you could create so many great things using the tool of weaving. 

Activity 2: Might Mangroves

On your blog, tell us about this person. Who are they? Why are they, in your opinion, so strong and tough?

Name: Dwayne Johnson
Age: 46

Dwayne Johnson is strong and tough because he is used to film a lot of stunts in so many moves so you need to be properly built to do that.

Activity 3: On your blog, list three similarities and three differences between the two plants that you chose. To earn five extra bonus points, post a picture of both plants on your blog..

Pitcher Plant
1. It is a carnivores plant
2. Completely different shape

Rafflesia Arnoldii

2. It looks like a proper flower

They both have red

I loved today with the strong person one. Merry Christmas guys!!

Image result for pitcher plant


  1. Hello Bella,
    Great Job with completing day 2 of week 2. I liked who you choose for your person.
    Keep up the good wokk,

  2. Kia Ora Bella,

    It’s Dani here, I was a blog commenter last year as well for the Kaikohekohe cluster. It’s great to see that you are back again for another year of the Summer Learning Journey.

    You have made a great point! Weaving is such a useful craft to know because there is so many different things you can weave with flax. One of my friends is very good at weaving and actually weaved kete for all of us as Christmas presents so we all now have a non-plastic bag to take to the supermarket to use for our food shopping. Do you get the opportunity to do much flax weaving at home or school?

    You have picked a very well known strong and tough person! I have grown up watching Dwayne Johnson act in many films where he has complete very dangerous looking stunts. What Dwayne Johnson film is your favourite? I think my favourite is any of the Fast and Furious films!

    When you are back from Auckland, if you add the photos ( and attribute them) to the final activity I can give you an extra five points!

    I hope you have had a good Christmas with your family and enjoy your the rest of your holidays.I look forward to reading more of your Summer Learning Journey activities in 2019!

    Blog ya later,

