When I finish school I am going to stay with my parents for another year before I go to university to get a job and choose what I want to study when I do go to university.
I am definitly going to go to university so that I can get a proper job and become what I want to be.
If I was to study something it would be science and acting. I would study zooligy and I really want to become a actor.
Activity 2: On your blog please tell us which of the three cars you would choose and why.
I would have the hover car becuse it can fly OMG. But I would rather have one of those cars where the doors come up... DeLorean.
Bonus Activity: On your blog write a description of what New Zealand will be like at that time (80 – 90 years from now). What kind of houses will people live in? What will they eat? Where will they work?
I think in the future there would be hover cars and there would be hoverboards that would actually hover. Also I think robots are going to be like all over the world. Sadly I think some of our native birds are going to become extinct :(. The will eat normal food and scientist would be able to find away for people to live on mars.
Review: Thank you so much to the Summer Learning Journey Team for helping us to stay at out standard and even learn a little bit more. I am so excited for next year:)
Bye world!!